The Mono Cog Blog
One God, one cog, one blog.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Who says Christians don't have fun?

    So last night there was a beautiful full moon rising over the mountains. They sun had faded out over the western mountains.  The temperature had just dropped under 100 in the Arizona desert, and it was time for this preacher to ride up the mountain.  Lights on, iced up water and gatorade, said good night to my girls, and off I went.  Dusk quickly faded into night, and the lights were needed at full power. Little eyes look at you from the darkness, desert rodents scurry across the trail, and all sorts of creepy bugs have come out of their daytime hiding.  They leave me alone, and I leave them alone.

    After 8 miles of climbing, it was time to enjoy the twisting, fast descending trail. Trails take on a new challenge at night; even with powerful lights.  The computer said the speed peaked at 30 mph. There was no need for sun screen, and the ice did not melt near as fast.  18 miles later safely back in the driveway with temps under 90.  Now that is good, clean (morally) fun, that does not need to be confessed and forsaken.  Thank the Lord.  

    So its that time of the year in the Arizona desert to ride under the stars.  Any one interested in joining me?

1 comment:

  1. Your Other Half, the Sane OneMay 9, 2009 at 11:43 AM

    I am. But alas, I cannot leave the children alone. :o)
