The Mono Cog Blog
One God, one cog, one blog.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Is it scripture or isn't it?

Maybe you are aware of the recent discussions, summits, and debates surrounding the King James Bible. 
It appears that many independent Baptists are trying to say they are for the KJV, but afraid to sound too strong.  The main issue is whether or not the KJV is inspired.

Well, II Timothy 3:16 says,
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"

I won't get into all the arguments that each one is giving for the various positions, but rather ask one question:  Is the King James Bible scripture?

If it is, it is inspired; if it is not scripture, then it could not claim to be given by inspiration.
Many are digging in, to claim that only the original languages that the scriptures were written in are inspired.  Their argument continues that since the KJV is a translation, it can only be accurate and reliable, but not inspired.  They also argue that claiming inspiration for the KJV would mean "double inspiration".  Why not just believe the book you have is scripture, and ascribe all the description of scripture to the book you hold in your hands. 

Or do you have an agenda?

-     To lift up your education
-     To have people look up to you
-     To make people think they need to learn Greek and Hebrew to really understand what God said
-     To set up yourself as the final authority

It is"Thus saith the Lord", that people need to hear. 

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